Rebranding for Seatools

Aviation & Marine


The 100% Dutch Seatools provides complete solutions for almost any underwater challenge, with an impressive track record and high-end equipment for a wide range of maritime purposes. Seatools has now commanded respect in the world of offshore oil and gas, dredging and civil construction with its high-tech robotic machines. Around the world.

Activation-strategyAdvertisingB2B BrandingB2B StrategyBrand designBrand ExperienceBrand valuesBrandpositioningBrandstrategyBrochureCommunicationCommunication planCorevaluesCorporate IdentityGraphic designIdentityImage StrategyImagoRebrandingStorytellingThinking stylesTrade fairVisual idenityWhole Brain


‘Around the world’ may be true. That world is big and offers many more opportunities for Seatools. However, the understated way of communicating did not break the status quo. Seatools’ communication therefore needed more wow effect, more projects, more adventure, more engineering, more authority, more expertise, more appropriate pride and more outspoken high-tech. The moment a Seatools robotic machine is pushed over the railing of a ship, into the ocean, the multi-million dollar high tech enters the water for the first time. The incredible technical certainty required for this is not reflected in the communication. And that needs to change completely.


‘You can trust Seatools to do it the first time right.’ All communication carriers are filled with a reborn self-confidence. The theme ‘Seaing is believing’ and its corporate story form the foundation for all design, advertising, online and offline expressions, the necessary chest-beating through case descriptions and technical white papers. Seatools even received the necessary extra confidence in its Employer branding: ‘Seatools selects its professionals based on personal qualities and trains these happy few in the required knowledge. We offer our employees a unique job. Only with unique people can we offer unique solutions.’


The newly-formed ‘hardcore technology company’ exudes more self-assurance than ever. The result? In de uithoeken van de wereld waar Seatools zich nog niet mocht voorstellen, gaan steeds meer deuren open. Je moet zelfverzekerd namelijk nooit verwarren met arrogant. In the corners of the world where Seatools was not yet allowed to introduce itself, more and more doors are opening. After all, you should never confuse confident with arrogant.

