Branding and positioning for Nautus

Everyone at Nautus is committed to the societal challenges that municipal officials face every day. Consultancy firm Nautus from Amersfoort helps Dutch municipalities with those difficult issues in realizing the right policies for successful change. The firm has been around for 20 years, and in that time it has managed to gain a prominent place in this specialized niche market.
But even in such a specialized niche market, competition can be quite fierce. Which is the case in the market in which Nautus operates .There is a growing number of competitors. As Nautus was constantly working hard to improve their professionalism and business growth, their brand marketing was suffering. To regain and retain the prominent spot in the market, Nautus’ challenge was to tell the right brand story and create a fitting brand awareness.

The solution to that challenge came with WADM’s BrainSells® methodology. With this structured approach (having been used over 135 times), WADM did not just uncover Nautus’ distinctive brand characteristics. These insights were also creatively translated into a Whole Brain design that brings to life the new brand promise and brand look. The new brand identity is based on bold claims that were verified in client interviews and extensive competitors analysis. The result being a razor-sharp reasoning and crystal-clear strategic design to secure that prominent place for the Nautus brand for years to come.

The final step in WADM’s BrainSells method is to produce and deploy all essential Nautus communication tools and messages in the next four years. To support the Nautus marketeers and help them achieve their return on marketing investment (ROMI) and achieve set objectives and KPIs.

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