
Explain your love for the profession

Three quarters of the employees in the Netherlands actually have no idea what exactly the (higher) goal of the company where they work is. Let alone that they know how they can contribute to it. Schouten & Nelissen surveyed this not so long ago.

A story to be proud of

We see that many organizations do not have a story. Not a story to be proud of. Not a story that can captivate customers. No story that adds value. No story that can bring their employees closer together. People are becoming more insecure, manners are becoming more impersonal, and except for the smiling face of the chatbot asking us “What can I help you with?” no one is eager to represent the organization on the website with his or her face anymore.

Above average passion

When we started the BrainSells process with Brink Management/Advies, we found out that really all employees are passionate about real estate above average. We didn’t say to them for nothing: don’t go talking about “thinking differently and just doing it,” “working with results,” or “connecting plans and practice. Don’t. After all, everyone else is already doing that. Start talking about the love of real estate. After all, real estate with all its challenges, is their thing. Their excitement. They were born for it. Have crawled into the lecture halls for it. They have years of experience for it. Blocked, toiled, sweated. They went all out. Everyone at Brink Management / Advice is in love with real estate.

“Don’t start talking about ‘results-oriented work.’
After all, everyone else is already doing that.”

Secretly in love, openly told

Because their consultants and project managers are head over heels in love with real estate, they are Brink’s greatest asset. It is unthinkable to put them away only in the form of “a phone number and LinkedIn address” somewhere in a corner on the website. That would be crooked. Hooked on the message. Contradictory to the big story. That’s why we threw ourselves – just as passionately – into creating person descriptions for all of Brink’s secretly in love people. About a hundred and fifty special stories, just a quick count. That’s what makes a brand stand out.

Personal stories on your website

Do you want that too? A special story for each employee or colleague? With your own personal description, you will exude more authority and your business will be viewed more professionally. Thanks to proud employees with a love for their craft.

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